Part 9: DNA Coding Demolishes the Theory of Evolution
The human genome which is the complete set of DNA sequences, is the same within every human on earth. Therefore, the basic principle of the theory of evolution is completely refuted, namely that evolution happened randomly and through natural selection. The DNA sequences of all individuals within each species are also very consistent. This is a scientific fact that Charles Darwin could not imagine and modern evolutionists are most unwilling to see and recognize.
In sum, DNA coding and decoding terminate the theory of evolution. This is a conclusion drawn through decades of hard work from tens of thousands of scientists and the spending of hundreds of millions of research dollars.
I: We are all human beings encoded by DNA codes
So far, this book has discussed a lot about DNA coding in our bodies. Therefore, we can reach this conclusion: all humans are encoded by DNA codes.
1. 6 billion DNA codes in every human body
According to findings of modern life science research, the DNA codes in human cells are the only carriers of the stored genetic information of life.
The genetic information in life consists of two parts, namely, the physical genetic information and non-physical genetic information.
The life of a human being starts from a fertilized egg, which contains 23 chromosomes from the father as well as 23 chromosomes and mitochondria from the mother. Compared with a man, a woman has no Y chromosome but two X chromosomes . It is the genetic information contained in the 46 chromosomes and mitochondria that determines our different physiologies, physiques and looks. In addition, each child inherits not only the physical body from his or her parents but also non-physical genetic information. However, no matter how much you teach and train a chimpanzee, you will never develop its abilities to listen, speak, read and write like a primary student. But for an ordinary human being, it is very easy to acquire the above skills.
Why is this? In addition to the physical differences between humans and chimpanzees, humans also inherit non-physical genetic information from their parents. Chimpanzees, on the other hand, do not inherit this type of information.
Humans have an unparalleled wisdom compared to any animal. Though such wisdom is mostly acquired through learning while growing up. However, the ability to learn and acquire such wisdom is already present during the embryonic stage. Therefore, the DNA codes of human cells are the only carriers storing the hereditary information of life; the intangible genetic information must be carried by DNA codes too.
Where can we see the carrier of genetic information? It exists in the 3 billion DNA codes from the chromosomes of the father as well as the 3 billion DNA codes from the chromosomes and mitochondria of the mother. The DNA codes appear like the codes in computer software. The difference is that DNA is formed by 4 nucleotide codes (i.e. A, T, C and G), while computer software is formed by 2 digit codes (i.e. 0 and 1). A human has 6 billion DNA codes, but because the DNA codes are formed by 4 status codes, the information that DNA contains is far more than that formed by the 2 status codes of equal quantity number.
Codes in DNA determine all the features of a human body. The 6 billion DNA codes in your cells encoded you while the 6 billion DNA codes in my cells encoded me. No matter if you come from Africa, Asia or Europe, the DNA sequences of the 6 billion codes in all of us almost completely the same with different letters only one thousandth.
For example, at a specific position, you have ‘A’, and I have a ‘C’, which distinguishes you and me. In this regard, we are all human beings encoded by DNA codes. The fact that the DNA sequences of all humans in the world are so consistent tells us that we have the same source of DNA coding.
Let us see how much information is contained in our DNAs:
The amount of information is related to the quantity of combinations formed by codes. With the same number of codes, N, we can use exponent arithmetic we learn from secondary school mathematics to calculate.
The combination number: 4N=22N =2N x 2N
About our DNAs, let us consider the DNA consistency of the 22 autosomes. In fact, the autosomes from the father and the mother contain different genetic information respectively. However, the autosomal DNA difference only accounts for a small percentage of all DNAs in autosomes. Human DNA genetic information is formed by at least 3 billion 4 nucleotides codes (43 billion or 26 billion).
How much is 26 billion? Can you answer me?
A well-known mathematic story is relevant to the question at hand, the wheat and chessboard problem. A wise man requests as his reward from the king is “place a double quantity of wheat in each successive square of the 64 squares on a chess board” i.e. one in the first square and double quantity in the next square until the 64th square. The king leisurely agrees to his request and then requires him to calculate the answer. Finally, just in the last square has 154 billion tons of grains (263=9.2×1018grains, 100 million grains equal to about 1.67 tons). The king becomes petrified because even all the grains from the granaries in his kingdom are less than one thousandth of the amount required.
The above example is just 2 to the 63rd power. The information contained by the combinations of 26 billion. You can imagine how astronomical huge this number is. The enormity of the information contained in human DNA codes is really remarkable.
The genetic information from the father is completely stored in the 23 chromosomes contained in each sperm with total codes equivalent to about 3 billion DNA codes. These orderlies code sequences carry all paternal genetic information containing both physical genetic information and non-physical genetic information. The head of each sperm is so small (i.e. a space of about 3 microns, 0.003 millimeters) height, width, and length. It is beyond our imagination that such a small space could contain such a huge amount of information.
Therefore, we have a very huge amount of information contained in the DNA codes of our body.
2. Human bodies was formed by the DNA coding
DNA codes in the 46 chromosomes and one ring-shaped mitochondria are not some detached pieces of DNA, but 47 rigorously coded DNA sequences. The 47 DNA sequences are 47 DNA molecules. Each person in the world has identical length of DNA molecules. The 47 DNA molecules contain over 30,000 genes. On the 47 DNA sequences of each person, the quantity, length and position of genes are completely the same. In addition, DNA sequences of each gene have basically the same codes from different human bodies. The difference of genetic codes between different people are 1-3 DNA codes at every thousand positions which is the SNP of genetic DNA codes. However, this indicates that genetic codes of different human beings are identical at over 997 of every 1000 positions. Meanwhile, SNP also proves the remarkable consistency of human genetic DNA codes.
We know that the Windows programs of computer are formed by the codes of ‘0’ and ‘1’ and certainly not built at random. A DVD of short movie is also formed by the codes of ‘0’ and ‘1’ and may composed of about 3 billion codes. Suppose two DVD movies are played with completely the same timing, music, lines, actions and scenes. Difference of the two movies exists only at different places in a scene, i.e. several different small light spots. The pixels of the small light spots represent only one thousandth of the scene. Do the two discs come from the same mother disc or recoded by two different manufacturers? Apparently, they are discs copied from the same mother disc. The consistency of the human DNA codes can also be likened to the source code from the same software.
It is so amazing that like the DVD of a movie, we are all programmed from the same DNA coding. Can you imagine it? It is an actual fact that there is no other genetic information besides the 6 billion DNA codes from both the father and the mother. This is a scientific fact.
Every woman in the world has her own “DVD” to represent herself and has very consistent DVD codes with other women. Likewise, every man in the world has own “DVD disc” to represent himself with also very consistent DVD codes with other men. The difference between men and women lies in the fact that a man has a Y chromosome which constitutes a rigorous gender differentiation between them. The codes in the 22 pairs of autosomes and mitochondria are the same for both men and women, which indicate that human beings are not products of evolution at random.
3. Rigorous DNAs’ Replication Functions
As all computer programmers know, coding programs is a rigorous process that is intolerant of errors. No errors are allowed during the replication of computer software. The replication of human DNA codes is the same. During cell division and the transmission of genetic information from generation to generation, the replication of DNA codes is also a rigorous process. This topic has been mentioned already in Part 2.
Let us to take a look a segment of DNA coding in the Y chromosome namely, the ZFY gene coding. The ZFY gene coding is related to male features and every male has the same 729 DNA sequence. From this sequence, we can infer that there is a common paternal ancestor of all human beings in the world, namely Y-chromosome Adam. Moreover, this sequence can be considered as the Y-chromosome Adam Marker.
For over 200,000 years in the history of modern human beings, these DNA codes have been replicated for nearly 10,000 generations. During each generation, cell division is in turn replicated dozens of times. For more than 3 billion males in the world today, it is difficult to estimate the number of replications occurred in the nearly 10,000 generations. Yet, the ZFY gene codes contain no error. The replication function of DNA is indeed amazing.
Unlike computer programs, it is must be a tiny difference during the replication of the human's source program by each generation of human breeding. In this way, even monozygotic twins can be distinguished. During the last 200,000 years, no two people that are alike have been found in the world. This is perfect programming.
4. Coding determines human physiology, physique and looks
The chromosomes and mitochondria in a cell have over 30,000 genes, which determine human physiology, physique and looks. These genes are composed with DNA codes. Let us take a look at the CHRM 3 gene with a code consisting of 2,494 DNA codes, which is similar to a small subprogram of the program in the computer software (See appendix: DNA Codes Material of GenBank). If the subprogram is wrong, the human nervous system will show symptoms.
II: The Sole/alone Adam theory
1. All people in the world come from the same man.
Y-chromosome Adam is traced from the 729 DNA codes on the ZFY gene of the male Y-chromosome; Mitochondrial Eve is traced from the 16,569 DNA codes of mitochondrial DNA.
We can draw this conclusion from the 2,494 DNA codes from the CHRM3 gene of an autosome: The autosome of all men and women in the world come from this initial individual. It is impossible to produce at random another identical sequence of 2,494 DNA codes.
You should also keep in mind that your coding sequences of 6 billion DNA is different from those of any other person only by about 1.2 in 1,000.
Therefore, the initial individual of all human beings in the worlds can be traced from the sequence of 2,494 identical DNA codes and other DNA codes on the autosomes. He belongs to both men and women, for the autosomes of men and women are the same.
Then, we must ask this question: Is the initial individual male or female? Since only a man contains the whole set of chromosomes (i.e. 22 autosomes, 1 Y chromosome, 1 X chromosome and mitochondria) it can be concluded that the initial individual is a male.
The Sole Adam theory is this: all people in the world come from one man, a conclusion based on pure science.
Scientists calculated Mitochondrial Eve and established the Mitochondrial Eve theory from modern human beings’ mitochondrial DNA coding. Similarly, scientists calculated the Y chromosome Adam and established the Y chromosome Adam theory from modern human beings’ Y chromosome DNA coding. Now, from modern human beings autosomal DNA coding we calculate that everybody comes from one male. We can call him (the male) as The Sole/alone Adam (or scientific Adam). We can call this theory The Sole/alone Adam theory.
The Sole/alone Adam is the only common ancestor of Y chromosome Adam and Mitochondrial Eve, a conclusion inferred from the consistency of autosomal DNA coding. From ancient times until today, the DNA coding of men and women all over the world are copied from his DNA coding. Moreover, the DNA coding of the first woman was copied from the DNA coding of “The Sole Adam”. Otherwise, the autosomal DNA coding of every person in the world would not be completely consistent. Upon further thought, one would naturally arrive at this extended conclusion: a woman's X chromosome and mitochondrial DNA coding both come from only one Adam.
This conclusion is very shocking indeed. Are the coding sequences from GenBank of NCBI wrong? Is the well-known probability theory wrong? If the above two points cannot be disproved, then, we must accept this conclusion. To deny this conclusion, we must deny the above two points. Obviously, probability theories can’t be denied. We believe that the experts at NCBI do not believe that their DNA coding sequences are unreliable.
The codes from the GenBank of NCBI are a momentous achievement as a result of the efforts of thousands of scientists for the past 20 years. The achievement was also made possible through millions of dollars from taxpayers of the contributing countries. The DNA sequences of modern people in the GenBank show extremely consistent. These sequences also exist in cell nucleus of you and me. How can we deny them?
All these are conclusions drawn from DNA coding and mathematical analysis. These are not only obvious but irrefutable scientific conclusions.
Therefore, we must say this: “Our theory will completely bankrupt if people who have different genomes are discovered.”
2. DNA decoding terminated the theory of evolution
As mentioned in Part 1, only the most unsophisticated observational tools were available in Darwin’s time. The theory of evolution he proposed was only based on his observations and judgments derived from the comparisons of animal shapes and archaeological fossils. Had he known the difference of chromosome pair numbers between human beings and chimpanzees, let alone the difference in DNAs, he would not have proposed the theory of evolution.